Monday, November 29, 2010

Opposites attract - curiosity or completion?

The old concept and expression "opposites attract" has existed for centuries. And it seems to be very
applicable when it comes to love & relationships.
Research has shown that people are usually attracted to their opposite gender on a scale of extraverted / introversion and judgement / perceiving.
We are naturally attracted to people who are different from ourselves - and therefore somewhat exciting.

But really how far we are willing to go in this exciting journey to an unknown? Is curiosity a way to  excuse our "unfounded" attractions?

But it's not just the exciting differences which attract us to our opposites, it is also a natural looking, if not primitive, for completeness. We are naturally attracted to individuals who have strengths that we are missing.
When two opposites work as a couple, they become a better functioning rounded unit.  A good example of this may be the two fundamental concepts in Chinese philosophy and culture, yin and yang.  Yin literally translates as "the dark, slope (hill) north bank (river) south, cloudy, gloomy. Is the dark element: it is sad, passive, sober, feminine, introverted, intimate, and corresponds to the night. Yang means "sunny place, slope (hill) southern bank (river) north, sun shine." The light element, is happy, full of vitality, active, bright, masculine, and corresponds to the day. Yin is often symbolized by water and earth, while Yang is symbolized by fire and wind.
There is also the theory that our natural attraction to the opposite is a way for our subconscious to force us to deal with matters of our own worst natures. Being very attracted to our opposites, two opposites involved in an intimate relationship have significant issues and communication barriers to overcome. So in a sense, our attraction to the opposite personality can be seen as our subconscious mind that leads us to become a complete individual, causing us to deal with areas that are most difficult to tackle for us.

Not the same can be said for other types of relationships. When it comes to work, colleagues, or friends, we are especially interested in having to deal with people who are very different from ourselves.
We seem to feel most comfortable with people who have similar interests and perspectives, and we show a special motivation or patience to relate to our opposites.

It's like watching free movies without knowing you are playing in too, different ways to approach the same issue, having a relationship, not only based on sex, but searching for the missing exciting pieces to fill the "set".

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